Holidays And What They Mean To Your Paid Time Off

A holiday is essentially a day set apart by law or custom, where normal activities, particularly work or school including church, are stopped or restricted. In most cases, holidays are meant to let people celebrate or mark an occasion of national or cultural importance. In Western cultures, the biggest holidays include Christmas and New Year’s Day. In some parts of the world, however, the biggest holiday will actually be Holidays.


The word ‘holidays’ is derived from the Latin word ‘holidus’, which means ‘all holy’. Holidays have been observed in many different countries all around the world for centuries and were first introduced as a way for workers to take part in festivities surrounding major religious celebrations such as Passovers, Yule and Christmas. The first federal holidays were introduced by the Continental Congress, which was empowered by the First U.S. President, Andrew Jackson. In general, federal holidays observed today are Christmas (Christmas Day), Good Friday, New Years’ Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Day.

While many of the major holidays do observe a national holiday, not every state celebrates each one on the same date. Although states like to celebrate their national holidays on the same date, not all states follow this practice. While it may seem logical that someone in Rhode Island would be able to get more holiday pay because his state celebrates a federal holiday on the same day as a lot of other states, this is not the case. If you live in Rhode Island and have federal holiday pay, the amount you receive may not be higher than it would if you worked somewhere else. This is because federal holidays are paid only for actual hours worked and not based on the number of hours you plan to work.

Because federal holidays do pay better than other days, some employers will give their employees extra holiday pay. Unfortunately, many employers either forget about or are unaware of the laws regarding holiday pay. Because overtime pay is paid only for actual hours worked and not based on the amount of time a person works, it is possible to double your holiday pay just by working more hours than usual. This is known as “aggretion pay,” and can significantly boost a person’s paycheck. However, an employer cannot give an employee an extra $1000 per week in holiday pay, so people must be aware of the laws surrounding this issue.

Some states, like Rhode Island, have even banned employers from being able to give any kind of monetary bonus to their employees for holiday season trips or outings. For example, the state of Rhode Island has passed a bill that requires any company that offers hotel or motel incentives to also post the same information on their website. It is very important for workers to be aware of the laws surrounding the holidays, as the penalties that can be assessed for breaking the law can be very high. If you are planning a trip out of state for the holidays, or if your employer does not let you know about any of the holidays that are offered, make sure that you call the Department of Labor in advance to be sure that you are abiding by all of the holiday laws. While this information is usually available on the Department of Labor’s website, it is best to call ahead so that you get a full list of all of the holidays that are covered.

The bottom line is that no one likes to receive extra holiday pay, but if you need to take time off for the holidays, it is probably for the best. There are usually less holidays in most areas during the spring and fall, so plan ahead and take advantage of the time off that you will never get back. If you’re willing to follow the federal laws about holiday pay, you should have a very happy holiday season. Holidays do not always have to mean getting extra cash; they can instead symbolize the time you put into the things that you enjoy doing.