How to Negotiate a Vacation Package From Your Employer

A vacation is a period of leave from regular employment, either a leave of absence due to layoff, voluntary separation, or a particular trip or travel, usually for the purposes of tourism or recreation. Many individuals regularly take a vacation at different time intervals, for different vacation observances, such as for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and so on. Sometimes, vacations are also spent with extended family or friends. In the United States, vacations can be broadly categorized into four broad types: a business vacation, a family vacation, a ski vacation, and a cruise.


Business vacations are usually planned with the assistance of a third party agency. Many agencies provide their services in this regard. These agencies help employers and employees to negotiate payment terms for vacation days.

Most employers provide their employees with travel and expense reimbursements, including paid time off, sick leave, paid vacation days, and travel insurance. However, some employers do not give employees the opportunity to use these policies. If an employee does not use these policies, then he cannot receive the same benefits for the period of time that he used them, unless he is employed for five years or more.

Some employers also provide paid sick days, but do not pay their employees for these days. When an employee takes a paid vacation and feels ill, his employer is obliged to take him to a hospital. Under such circumstances, the employee is entitled to compensation for the period of his absence from work. In general, employees who are employed for less than five years are not entitled to receive vacation pay, but there are certain exceptions. In the case of self-employed persons, employers may choose to deduct these people’s income tax from their salaries, instead of providing them with paid holidays.

Most employees are happy about the provision of paid time off, but some employers find it a hassle to implement it. For them, vacation days are only offered during the summer months. However, even in the winter, when they can make use of it, most employees are not happy to accrue vacation days. The most viable option for employers is to make use of a service that provides vacation packages. Most services allow employees to choose between a package that offer sick days, paid time off, vacation days, and PTO (point of service) time.

The first step that employees should take is to determine the amount of their earnings that are subject to deduction. After this, they should negotiate with their employer on the amount of vacation days that they will be allowed. Employees should also negotiate over the amount of PTO and other benefits. A good bargaining strategy will allow the employee to save up to two weeks of vacation time each year. The first step to negotiating a good package is to discuss it with an experienced payroll attorney.