The Difference Between Travelling and Traveling

Traveling is the motion of individuals between different distant geographical areas. Travel can be performed by car, bike, foot, plane, train, bus, boat, bicycle or any other mode, with or without luggage and is one way or circular trip. Traveling has been around since ancient times when recording records were kept. Some cultures such as the Egyptians, Romans, Chinese and India used the method of travel to communicate with each other


In the early years of America travel was a major way of life. Early travelers brought along their families and set out on a well planned and thought out journey. The early Americans even practiced trading with each other across the continent. For these early Americans, the language of English was quite important and travel between states was made easy by using this language. Even today many older Americans still use English as their first language

With the coming of the railroad the word travel developed and became associated with long journeys. The word eventually became to mean moving from one point to another. The evolution of the word travel came about because of the development of new means of transportation. In our modern day society the term travel has become associated with business and leisure. Many of the people that we associate with traveling use the word in both ways but the origin of the word travel remains the same.

A typical American journey is a combination of five things. The person leaves from one place to another, most often by car or train. They speak either English or their native language. Then they use either a map or a globular device to map their route. Then the actual journey takes place through either land or sea. Traveling between these two places usually involves some form of communication by either road or air.

When traveling through a foreign country, a person will more than likely use the local language. This is especially true when speaking a foreign language that is not part of our own cultural heritage. Some of these foreign languages are French, German, Russian, and even Chinese. If you were to attempt to travel without using any of your own language, it would be nearly impossible to communicate with the locals and would almost certainly result in an unplanned and unguided journey across the country or globe.

One of the biggest mistakes that travelers make when speaking English is that they assume that all speakers of the language will have the same accent or pronunciation. When in reality there are several variations in accents or pronunciations that can greatly affect the way that you speak. In many cases when the travel industry refers to a person as a “traveler” this generally refers to someone that has traveled within the country or world. While there are variations in each country or region, every country or region has a unique set of rules and language that are unique to that region. When traveling through another country, it is important that you learn the local language and accents so that you are able to communicate with the locals and not have your conversations reflect back on you in a negative way.