Why Do People Travel?

Travelling is the general movement of individuals between various distant geographical locations over a period of time. Travelling can be by foot, bike, car, plane, train, bus or other mode, with or without personal luggage, and is one way or round trips. It can also be an extended holiday tour of a country. The world’s people inhabit every continent, but more people travel within Asia and Oceania than any other area in the world.


A person travelling to any place is said to have gone travelling, but when we refer to a journey we generally mean the journey itself. There are two ways in which a journey can end: in the vicinity of the final destination or in the vicinity of the starting point. Travelling from one end of the earth to the other would require you to pass through many intermediate places and therefore the route you take matters a lot. In order to reach the final destination you will need to travel a great distance, therefore the route chosen is very important.

Airline services make air taxis available for travelling long distances, but they are not convenient, and there is a lot of planning that has to go into it before departure. A railway train is faster but is very expensive. Boat services are convenient, but the coast is dangerous, so taking a boat across the sea takes more time. Travelling by a road is safe and economical, but travelling makes the passengers use every part of their body.

So let us see what makes travelling different from other means of transport. The best way to describe it is by saying that travelling is an art, because the traveler has to adapt himself to the environment in which he travels. The first two words of the definition give an example: traveling is an art, since art is an adaptation. Art exists in nature, and one can make an art out of trees or flowers or mountains or anything that exists.

Thus travelling is an art, and one cannot simply turn on the tap and start the journey. The journey has to begin at one place and end at another. The starting point is the place where the traveler is, whereas the end point is the destination. Traveling is not only an art but also a science because one has to analyze a great deal in order to arrive at the destination. For example, a river should never be crossed without a watch.

When people travel they use almost all parts of their body, for instance, they have to use their hands for walking, whereas they use feet for climbing. Thus, travelling makes people adapt themselves not only to the surroundings but also to themselves. This adaptation has to be done not only when travelling but also in their daily life. Thus people travel in order to live their lives better, to reach their destination, to enjoy their friends and family, and also to learn something new.